Tori keeps me laughing on a regular basis. She has discovered that she can usually get out of any trouble just by doing this kooky dance while chanting?!? It is the funniest thing ever. She cracks herself up and has learned to keep a happy, healthy attitude through most things. (I could learn so much more from her - if I'd just let myself!) It's truely amazing how resillient children are. They fall down, cry for a few seconds over their scraped up knee and can have a complete 180* attitude adjustment at the first sign of their favorite character on tv or the mention of ice cream! Why do we adults choose to hang on to the things that upset us? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to truely 'let things go'?? Let go and Let God, right? Maybe I could let go of a few things and just enjoy the ice cream instead?! Good idea! Thanks ToJo!
Yesterday ToJo's bff - Gabe 2.5yrs - kept calling the movie 'Tori's Story' - instead of 'Toy Story'. At first ToJo protested proclaiming the movie was TOY story - then you could almost SEE the lightbulb moment and then she moved on to appreciate the switcheroo. lol We have since watched 'Tori's Story' 3 more times. (Yes, I'm 5 for 5 at crying at this movie!)
I love that Tori is 3. She is so much fun to be around. Today I loved watching her face light up when we went to Toys R Us. Mostly we played with things while we were there. It gave me a good opportunity to see which items she really enjoys. We actually purchased quite a few Christmas items...with her obliviously playing with her presents in the cart. Gotta love this age. We bought her a lot of Play Doh stuff...including the ice cream maker. It'll be a good reminder to let things go and to let God.
1 comment:
Next year, you'll have to be a bit more sneaky with the presents in the cart! ;)
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